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The ACT Triathlon Board is responsible for overseeing the organisation of Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquathlon and Multisport events. Each year Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting and serve a term of two years as custodians of the sport. The current Board consists of the following wonderful people:

PRESIDENT: Lara-Kym Lever (president@act.triathlon.org.au)

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I’m an accidental triathlete having been drawn into the sport after seeking out a coach to help me train for a 5km swim. But it turns out if you hang with triathletes for long enough, they make you one of them. I have been involved in sport my whole life, having been a swimmer, a hockey player, and a rugby player as a child, before deciding to give water polo a go while at college in the US – I mean, how hard could that sport be!  During my junior sporting years, my parents were always on the sidelines giving back to the organisations that gave their children so much, whether as a coach, administrator or as a match day announcer. I have carried this ethos with me during my involvement in sport as an adult. I have coached and refereed water polo at the local and state representative level for 5 years and have since become a nationally age grouped ranked referee, as well as serving on the Board of Water Polo ACT. Professionally, I have worked in the APS for 13 years, beginning as a communications professional – including serving as a media advisor and speech writer – and now in strategy and governance roles. Since becoming involved in triathlon, I have gained my LTO accreditation, and look forward to bringing my professional skills and sporting knowledge to the TACT Board. I hope to contribute to the sport through supporting growth and diversity and ensuring there is opportunity for every individual at whatever level they choose to participate.

VICE-PRESIDENT: Katie Binstock

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I came to triathlon through the Bilbys’ novice program in 2013, following my competitive swimming background. Since then, I’ve competed in both ACT and interstate triathlons, open water swims, and cycling events. I’ve also had the privilege of officiating and volunteering at various local and interstate events.

Having lived and worked in Canberra for around 15 years, I have a strong connection to our capital. I’ve been at the helm of coordinating the Bilbys’ novice program for nearly 8 years and even served as the President of the Bilbys Triathlon Club. I’m passionate about seeing a growth in triathlon participation in Canberra. It’s vital for Triathlon ACT to support our current members while also attracting and retaining new ones.

Outside of triathlon, I’m a partner at Thomson Geer where my practice primarily revolves around administrative/regulatory law and succession law.

TREASURER: Leeanne Tennant

Gold Coast 2018

I was introduced to triathlon in 2013 when I supported a friend competing in an all-women’s triathlon. I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere of support and excitement and as a result started training immediately and participated in the novice program run by FIT. I have since competed in two Age Group World Championships and many races across Australia in the past 8 years making lots of friends along the way. I am passionate about triathlon, and training is a way of life for me. I volunteered to be a Board member to give back to my sport. The Board needed a Treasurer and I have been able to bring my experience as an accountant working part-time for my husband’s business to the role. Being on the Board I want to contribute to promoting triathlon to the many diverse communities in Canberra as well as to all age groups to participate in the multitude of events that makeup multisport and come under the umbrella of Triathlon Australia.

General Member: Mary Sietsma


My interest in triathlon started when I was living in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado in the early 2000s. I’d run a couple of big US marathons by then, but had never even owned a road bike. Other members of my running club were diversifying into triathlon, and I bought a beautiful second-hand Kestrel time trial bike and joined them. I was hooked, despite a spectacular crash in front of the crowd in my first race when I failed to unclip in time coming into T2. I worked out pretty quickly that I was happier with longer distances, and that there is nothing quite like a destination race. Since then I’ve completed triathlons, marathons and trail runs all over the world, including four ironman races, 15 marathons and ultras, and age group world championships in Perth, London and Budapest. Some favourite lesser known races include Miami Man, Ironman Coeur D’Alene, Marathon du Cognac and the Midnight Sun Marathon in Norway.  My participation and fitness levels have dropped off in the last few years, but I still love that race day feeling, even though I am now a lot further back in the pack than I used to be. I’ve also been involved in the administrative side of sport for some time, serving on the committee of the Canberra Bilbys Triathlon Club for several years, as well as other triathlon, running and aero club committees when I was living overseas. I’ve been a Technical Official for the last six years. I’m looking forward to serving on the TACT Board and getting involved in our sport at a broader level. Outside of triathlon I am an ex-Army officer and long term public servant with Defence, and live in the inner North with two dogs and cat, enjoying all that the Bush Capital has to offer.  

GENERAL MEMBER: Samantha Shields


I joined the ACT Triathlon Board in November 2023 because I am deeply committed to fostering the continued growth of triathlon in our community. Having been an avid triathlete for several years, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of this sport firsthand. It’s not just about the pursuit of personal fitness goals; it’s a community-driven endeavor that transcends age, ability, and background. My passion lies in ensuring that triathlon remains accessible to all, dismantling the misconception that it is exclusively for high-performance athletes. I believe in the inherent inclusivity of triathlon, and by serving on the board, I aim to contribute to initiatives that make the sport more welcoming and attainable for individuals of diverse abilities and backgrounds.

My dedication to this cause extends beyond a personal interest; it’s a commitment to fostering an environment where every member of our community can experience the joy and fulfilment that triathlon brings. I envision collaborative efforts to organise events, training programs, and outreach activities that emphasise the inclusivity of the sport. By joining the ACT Triathlon Board, I aspire to channel my enthusiasm and ideas into concrete actions that promote the values of accessibility, community, and the holistic growth of triathlon in our region.


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I’ve been deeply immersed in the triathlon community for a significant period, competing in diverse formats of the sport. This extensive experience provides me a holistic perspective from an athlete’s viewpoint. I’ve been not only a dedicated member but also took up the role of president at Vikings, showcasing my commitment to leadership and the sport.

Over the years, I’ve believed in the importance of giving back to the community. This commitment has seen me consistently volunteering at events, supporting both the sport and ACT Triathlon. Now, with a bit more time on my hands, I’m eager to further contribute to ACT Triathlon, ensuring the growth and development of triathlon in our community.



Embracing the athleticism of triathlons was once a distant dream, overshadowed by the awe-inspiring feats of other athletes. However, my journey into this multi-disciplinary sport began in 2017/18 through Canberra’s Novice program, a stepping stone that ignited my commitment to triathlons in 2019.

Residing in Canberra since 2006, I’ve witnessed the burgeoning growth of our community and have actively contributed to it through my passion for triathlons. Having completed several notable events across Australia, each race becomes a testament to the dedication and perseverance that fuels my journey.

For me, triathlons extend beyond personal accomplishment; they represent an opportunity to foster growth within our community. Balancing the demands of training, personal life, and work has been a guiding principle. I firmly believe that equilibrium in these aspects propels success in various facets of life.

My commitment extends beyond the finish line. With a desire to witness the sport flourish locally, I aim to contribute to the thriving triathlon community in Canberra.

In the pursuit of excellence, both personal and communal, I find solace in the delicate art of balance. Here’s to continually pushing boundaries, finding harmony, and inspiring others in the vibrant world of triathlons.


Executive Director: Steve Bingley

Steve Bingley serves as the Executive Director of ACT Triathlon, bringing a wealth of executive leadership and strategic vision to the organisation. With a strong background in sports and fitness, Steve has successfully transitioned from his role as a former paratrooper in the Australian Army to a leading figure in the sport community.

An exercise physiologist with a Masters in sport and exercise science, Steve is highly qualified in high-performance coaching, security risk management, and organisational leadership. His career spans over a decade in Canberra, where he founded the region’s premier outdoor fitness program and still leads its most significant trail running event. His expertise is sought by institutions such as the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), Australian Federal Police (AFP), and Australian Defence Force (ADF), where he provides consultancy on health, wellness, talent identification, and organisational culture.

Steve’s approach integrates academic insights, hands-on experience, and innovative technologies, particularly emphasising member-based and registration models strengthened by volunteer engagement. Under his leadership, ACT Triathlon continues to promote and develop the sport of triathlon, fostering a vibrant and inclusive community in Canberra.

For more information, visit ACT Triathlon or contact Steve directly at director@act.triathlon.org.au.

Coach Education and Pathway Lead: Robyn Low-Hart

Robyn Low-Hart serves as the Coach Education and Pathway Lead for both NSW and ACT Triathlon. With a rich background in triathlon spanning over 24 years, Robyn brings extensive experience and passion to her role. She is instrumental in developing and supporting athletes through comprehensive coaching programs and pathways, ensuring they have the necessary skills to progress in the sport.

Robyn is highly qualified, holding a Level 2 Performance Coach qualification in Triathlon, along with certifications in fitness, strength and conditioning, and remedial massage. Her dedication to the sport is evident through her leadership roles, including head coach positions at the Central Coast Academy of Sport and the Triathlon ACT Talent Academy (TACTTA), where she engages talented Canberra-based athletes.

Her approach focuses on creating environments where athletes can develop technical, tactical, physiological, and psychological competencies. Robyn’s commitment to athlete and coach development, combined with her personal achievements in cross triathlon and elite mountain biking, makes her a key asset to both Triathlon NSW and ACT Triathlon.

For more information, visit ACT Triathlon or contact Robyn directly at development@nsw.triathlon.org.au.