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Notice of 2023 Annual General Meeting

Date: Saturday 4th November 2023
Location: Abode Woden (10 Bowes Street, Woden ACT 2605) also via MICROSOFT TEAMS Click here to join the meeting
Time: 10:30am – 11:30am AEDT

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Triathlon ACT Inc. will be held from 10.30am – 11.30am AEDT on Saturday 4th November 2023, at the Abode Woden (10 Bowes Street, Woden ACT 2605) also via MICROSOFT TEAMS, where the items of business will be:

  1. Acceptance of minutes from previous AGM
  2. Receive all reports
  3. Receive and review financial reports and auditor’s reports for 22/23 financial year
  4. Appoint auditors for 2024
  5. Elect nominated ACTT members to fill three vacant ACTT board positions.

No other business may be tabled at this meeting unless a ‘Notice of Motion’ is received in writing to the Executive Director director@act.triathlon.org.au at least seven days prior to the meeting (N.B. no later than 10:00am AEDT the 28th of October 2023).

In this notice are the following forms for member’s use only:

AGM voting details will be emailed and text to all members attending. RSVP is required to attend, please contact Executive Director via director@act.triathlon.org.au

Please contact the ACTT President with any other questions or clarifications via president@act.tiathlon.org.au