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COVID-19 Actions

March 2020 until further notice

The health and safety of our athletes, coaches and community is, and always will be of the utmost importance to us.

The evolving situation with COVID-19 is one that we take very seriously and as a result we will be implementing some adjustments to our Outdoor Bootcamp program as part of our role in minimising the spread of the virus and risk to all.

Effective immediately:

  • Wash hands. All athletes must wash their hands before and after training
  • No equipment. For the time being, it’s good ol’ body weight exercises, movement patterns, high heart rate cardio (among other things) – put together in our signature Century way!
  • No direct contact. Including warm up/cool down, high fives, hugs, kisses and any other person to person contact
  • Increased individual training distance. Athletes will be further distanced out within the training space to increase personal space. Min 2sqm with strict group size restrictions adhered to
  • Do not attend when flu-like symptoms are present. Including fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath
  • Current Century athletes receive remote training App free. Use this to supplement sessions or substitute when flu-like symptoms are present and attendance is not possible


  • Eat whole immune boosting foods with vitamin A, C and zinc plus others that have anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Sleep well
  • Get fresh air and sunlight that includes vitamin D
  • Exercise
  • Stay hydrated with water
  • Stay connected, talk regularly with friends and family
  • Promote calm, love, and kindness over fear, hysteria and panic

More info: https://health.act.gov.au/public-health-alert/updated-information-about-covid-19